The Hari Rama |
| Art For Sale
Pay The Ferryman |
Hydro-Dynamic Land Tax(Hydro-Dynamic)(the term 'pay' is operative and 'something' turns the 'Primordial Wheel') ÆON MAP QUANTUM MANAGEMENT GRAIL ARK OV THE COVENANT 250 1/4 UNIVERSAL OCTAVE The Hari Rama is obligated by Prophecy, Time and Nature to provide this Hydro-Dynamic Quantum Time Connection This Is 'New Earth' We are ~1 billion billion billion light years from 'Old Earth' May we remind you that HUMANS cannot live on this dimension for longer than about 1/2 hour Only after 2+ years ov QUANTUM STABILIZATION was it OK for HUMANS and a UNIFIED QUANTUM LEAP We are running MORE STABLE than 'Old Earth' (part by broadcasting 'LIVE ASTROMETRICS' round the clock from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENERGY = POWER x TIME 1 joule = 1 watt x 1 second (that's the 'mega-joules' on the rice packets) TIME = ENERGY / POWER So with a 'Contribution' to 'The Hari Rama' in a 'Conserved Energy Environment' ie: E1 = E2 then TIME (slight increase) = ENERGY / POWER (slight decrease) That 'slight increase' in 'TIME' is what moves us (The World): 'Bona Fide' into 'The Future' EVERYTHING WITH ENERGY HUMANS, FOOD, FUEL, MONEY, etc, are made ov POWER and TIME (we eat 'Time') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Time' has commandeered: The Hari Rama 1/10th Income Savings/Interest Account 'Time' is pressuring The Hari Rama (owner ov this planet) to make connection ov 'Land Tax' and 'Time' This is a 'Geared Move' ov 'Time' on this planet to move 'The World' into 'The Future' (and remain there) An 'ÆON MAP' sector some thousands ov years old that has 'gone active' This has NO bearing on existing taxes/etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As per the USD$1 note we estimate amounts: Less Than 0.1% ov Land Tax Already Being Collected (Negligible/Unnoticeable to the general public) Contributions mainly concern any 'System' already collecting 'Land Tax' This would be like: Royal Empires, Various Governments, Various Land Barons, etc. Countries that do not pay any 'Land Tax' like: 'Native Lands' (like: the ones where: 'The Shadows' no longer 'Line Up' with 'The Stones') May contribute 'something' as part ov 'The Global Community' 'Chipping In' Personal Land Holders can also contribute 'something' (if they would like to make sure something is 'CONNECTED' Some 'REDUCTION' from your '100%' is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED the idea is to get 'ON SCALE' ie: Your Collection ov Land Tax (100%-Something) Your Contribution to Hydro-Dynamic Land Tax (Something) (It is actually ONLY PERMISSIBLE ÆON LAW to publicly quote, broadcast or publish as VALID ANY CURVE THAT IS ACTUALLY ON THE HYPERBOLE) Any 'Contribution' connects your: 'Energy' to the 'Quantum Reality' here (that's gotta be a plus) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE ARE BEING AS REASONABLE AS WE CAN BE HERE CALLING 'FAIR PLAY' |
This Art Piece: 'fiddler'