The Hari Rama |
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Pay The Ferryman |
Hyper-NatureVegan Cafe: A Golden Opportunity Sharing 101: You Now Eat at 'The World Table' Sharing up to 1/10th Income with: GLOBAL CHARITY BEFORE TAX (The New Standard) (Note: This Principle Ends: Third World, Refugee Resettlement, World Homeless) Link: World Balance Sheet (Turns The Primordial Wheel) Participation 101: If you see a 'Show' May you be Reminded It's Very Important to: Throw Coins On To The Stage Recommended to spend up to 1/10th Income Tipping: Websites, Beggars, Buskers, Performance Art, Etc. Etc, Etc. (Turns The Primordial Wheel) Nature 101: The Seed Profits To Grow into a Tree We Can Only Eat Profit This Is Nature Then Why is Nature there cause god reckoned it tastes good Money 101: The man pays you You pay the man Example: Then: The man pays you every day You pay the man every day Pay: Money: No Change Amount: 5 Times More Cash if the cash remains the same 80% reduction in the: load on the money a 20%+ raise may be in order 'Sole Traders' do fine being paid 'Daily' They always have: 'Lunch Money' and it was good Banks mostly calculate everything daily even when they quote monthly or annually (they're the ones handling the money) SIMPLE TERMS: Pool: 12 buckets Weekly: 10 buckets moving to daily with 20% Daily: 2.4 buckets Leaving 9.6 buckets spare Enough for 3 New Economic Systems (each the size ov the global wages) (Found: ~$100 Trillion/yr) giving a good start to things like: Geo-Thermal Plants, Hydrogen Plants, Filtered De-Salination Plants and Irrigated Farming in arid lands like Africa, Infrastructure Rebuilds, Re-Planting trees in depleted areas etc. Still using less than before (All these we're being built anyway) (Generally they do support themselves, and/or boost communities who then thrive, produce and trade) These are inevitable upgrades Note: These are cyclic systems 'A' pays 'B' 'A' empties 'B' fills The flow dynamic is: both 'A' and 'B' Fills at the same speed it Empties Empties at the same speed it Fills TIME is The Key The Money Does NOT RUN OUT Energy = Power x TIME (1 Joule = 1 Watt x 1 Second) We Eat Power and TIME it's delicious ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU CAN SHOW THIS IN THE PHYSICS (Energy = Power x Time) E = P x T CONSERVATION OV ENERGY E1 = E2 so (daily) E cancels out P(final) x T / 5 = P x T T cancels out P(final) / 5 = P so P(final) = P x 5 you get 5 times the POWER by moving WAGES to DAILY They called for 'Power' and Power they can have (in Watts) ~~~~~~~~~~ so what did you find for us this week oh, found what looks like a lazy $100 trillion/yr just laying around in the garden like a beacon for all to see right in front ov everyone then immediately gave it to The World very nice so do we 'owe' you anything for finding so much in our own accounts nah call it a gift we do accept 'tips/donations' these are 'freedom ov choice' (hydro-dynamic quantum flow) there's a: 'paypal donate button' on top ov this page if you'd like to give us a 'tip' right now any help is greatly appreciated then we could buy things what kind ov things you know - 'things' man like: going to partys and stuff NOTICE: ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS this is no different than say: 'The Building ov America' once they employed 10 million people then they employed 40 million people generally all seem to handle it ok see: it all goes round and round now they employ like ~160 million so long as there is a margin all is well admittedly with 'Daily Wages' there is definitely: less 'direct load' on the 'total pool' what we have done here is: 'Add Up' what the saying means: 'A fair day's wages for a fair day's work' (paid daily - as it clearly states) SECOND NOTICE: it appears: thinking we have found something we have actually found something else THE AIR is running a 'Finer Grade' you can feel it THE QUANTUM has been changed just by publishing this article THINGS FEEL A LOT BETTER, MORE REGULAR and MORE UNIFORM so maybe we could switch to Daily Wages anyway and add projects/staff gradually Thing is: We (as a planet) appear to have a bucketload more facility moving a little faster on a Daily System Certainly Worth Consideration (especially sitting on a goldmine) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fountain 101: 1 litre ov water (money) 1 fountain (trade, tips, etc.) 1 engine (primordial chakra) 1 WATER WHEEL (profit) the water wheel may power some LED's Then: The engine runs HyperState Still 1 litre ov water (SAME MONEY) WATER WHEEL (massive increase in profit) the water wheel could run a CITY sure - however as the money amounts climb where does it reduce to remain Wholistic The Wheel 101: The Primordial Chakra The Engine The Internet Tipping The Internet 7 billion people tipping 7 billion people with 1000 characters each 49+ BILLION TRILLION Active Energy Channels Optimum is 1/10th Income going OUT GENE CODE PARADIGM SHIFT NANOS Energy (money) to 9 DECIMAL POINTS So every tip address on the history Can receive a tip IT ADDS UP Trade, Tips, Donations, Gratuities IN or OUT All Turn The Wheel (The Primordial Chakra) (The Engine) First Derivative Wheel: (1000 Buddhas) Trade and Gratuities Second Derivative Wheel: (each with 1000 Buddhas) Tips and Donations there is a big difference between paying for the coffee and paying to the tip jar as well a 'COIN' in Every/Most BEGGAR HATS and BUSKERS is a GLOBAL BOTTOM LINE SECOND DERIVATIVE PARADIGM even if your meal is like: ie: Bali: 20,000 dropping a 'COIN' anyway is ACTIVE Energy 101: You Can Think Energy UP A Dozen 10 foot canvas's Some PAINT (ARTHOUSE COLORS) Get It On The Canvas Rad They Walk Out The Door It might not be a 'Rothko' however: IT IS FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER Same Goes for Music, and The Stage/Performance Art, Very Large Photo and Digital Art Prints Etc. (8-12 feet) (wack severe edits) (you know: 'Art' man) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finding The Art you can: make a rapid succession ov rad edits go crazy with color combinations, try twisting some every time it looks like art make a copy when you get like: 'just that bit there looks rad' crop it out blow it up rad it out make a copy once you have 6 to 10 run them in front ov you backwards and forwards continue the best, most powerful, most appealing, one that actually looks like Art will become very apparent blow it up load it up for sale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Publish Button Is Most Important We Mean Actual Records/CD's/Tips/Etc. And 'Buy Now' Framed Canvas Art Prints they can 'beset a Rothko' GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY VEGAN CAFE (that actually sell vegan food) (that vegans can actually eat ok) Prophecy: The World goes Vegan (their doctors, dietitians and herbalists recommend vegan) GLOBAL (needed everywhere) MOSTLY NEW APPEARS TO BE NO COMPETITION HIT THE GROUND RUNNING ALL VEGAN ON MENU: all bread 'yeast free' rye (light and dark) real sourdough spelt etc. thick toast: with softener like golden syrup, olive oil, tahini, coconut butter, etc. and jam and stuff UNSEEN regular 'Yeast Free' Crumpets UNAVAILABLE IN CAFES regular baked beans on some vegan buttered toasts optional: vegan sausages, spinach, grilled tomatoes, horseradish, etc. UNSEEN large napolitana (pasta) on pieces ov vegan buttered toast as a decent breakfast UNSEEN sandwiches: normal to thick country sliced, to choose - vegan butters, olive oil, tomato, olives, vegan cheese, lettuce (various), asparagus, onion (various), carrot, capers, spinach (various), gherkins, grilled eggplant, cucumber, jalapeños, horseradish, etc. UNSEEN rolls: (plain, focaccia and bruschetta) fillings to choose (could have as tofu burgers) UNSEEN light toasted or squish toasted are great options chips: gravy, sauce, various with basket ov bread with coconut butter, almond butter, etc. UNSEEN hot dogs: sausage and bread olive oil hotplate cooked, bread turned and squished somewhat sauce and (some) hot mustard in a bag on a plate UNSEEN or hot dogs: any UNSEEN or vegan sausage on bread: UNSEEN char grilled tofu steaks: hard tofu done rare etc. (the size ov a steak) tender and juicy just like steak smothered in garlic with cracked black peppercorns and stuff like: oil, herbs and lemon soy marinade etc, with chips or mashed potato, gravy, char grilled tomatoes, spinach, etc. a full sized meal (like home in the country) UNSEEN pizza: thick Italian style pizza and base vegan cheese by default tomato, olives, capsicum, capers, asparagus, olive oil, garlic, etc. UNSEEN basket ov garlic bread: thick sliced loaf or oven sliced baguette, olive oil, garlic and basil just like normal UNSEEN steamed/boiled basmati rice and steamed/boiled vegetables: with basket ov sliced bread coconut butter, almond butter, etc. together as a decent meal Traveler Standard for when they hit the wall (ie: for 2 months) UNSEEN cake: a decent slice ov cake on a normal plate with a fork UNSEEN cup cakes: covered across the whole top with icing and coconut on a normal plate with a fork UNSEEN etc, etc, etc. more green leafy vegetables may be in order ov course some vegan standards: pasties, pies, sausage rolls, nori rolls, etc. (in bags on plates if eat in) muffins, croissants, danishes, cup cakes, etc. (appropriately served on a plate with cutlery if eat in) this whole thing is a suggestion to you as a gift ov prosperity you may see a few ideas for your own business many cafes could add/make some vegan options already like: if they have the bread and they have the tomatoes it would easy to supply say: tomato sandwiches unseen being able to 'choose fillings' from what is available can easily be an option 'olive oil' on the sourdough toast is a great 'Menu Option' as a softener appears to go ok under: jam, spinach, beans, garlic, pasta, etc. (most already have olive oil in the kitchen for other things) real sourdough, 'Yeast Free' as a 'Menu Option' on sandwiches and rolls is like quite simple to add a 'Yeast Free' Base Option for the pizza bars would be great (at least Self Raising Four, etc) no cheese is ok, Vegan Cheese is a treat some Vegan Sausages are just so needed and simple to add/get same for 'yeast free' crumpets even just a few things would help considerably some details that may help: SUGAR, SAUCES AND STUFF ON THE TABLES IS RECOMMENDED THESE ARE HEARTY DECENT MEALS WITH SMOKING AREAS SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY ENJOY THEMSELVES WE HAVE ABUNDANT FOOD NOW AND THESE CAFES SHOULD REFLECT THIS WITH NORMAL CUTLERY OCCASIONALLY SHARP SERRATED BLADES THAT ACTUALLY GENTLY CUT THE FOOD WITH HEATING and FANS PAINT, LIGHTING, MUSIC and LARGE ART ARE ALSO RECOMMENDED POSSIBLY SELL THE ART THEN IT KEEPS MOVING WE'RE NOT KIDDING THE WHOLE VEGAN ART CHIC SET currently on sushi rolls and soup NEED TO PROCURE EDIBLE VEGAN FOOD FOR SOME REASON: EVERYWHERE JUST LIKE IT ONCE WAS FOOD IS A CELEBRATION WE ARE PROMOTING FOODS PRINTED ON THIS PAGE ONLY THESE ARE FOODS THAT PEOPLE CRAVE 'UNSEEN' means: not seen and been able to acquire by us after 2 years ov searching in actual cafe/restaurants we reckon good old fashioned service could work MENU IS FORWARD FROM: BLITZ Message: You Can Make a Profit And Live Normal for a change It's a Miracle WELCOME TO PARADISE |
This Art Piece: 'the scream'